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Businesses, especially new Startups in the aviation and logistics field are often concerned with the cost of hiring an consultant to come in and evaluate their business, whether it is for business development, startup businesses, or the acquisition of the business.  For some, people don’t understand what a consultant really does with a majority of them thinking that all a consultant does is cost money to tell you what you already know anyway. 


However, in the aviation/logistics business that is a totally untrue statement, because these type of businesses aren't ordinary business. These type of businesses sometimes operate in a more niche market (aviation) and sometimes are in limited demand. This sometimes causes many aviation business entities never make very much money. Entrepreneurs sometimes ask the question: Is it possible to make money in aviation or logistics?  The answer is: Absolutely!  Then why don’t more companies hire a consultant to assist them with building their business model that will maximize their company's profitability and/or brings pure business practices into the realistic pricing of a business?  


This is one of the most unique questions, the question of why don’t more companies who are in aviation/logistics or are considering an aviation/logistics business use the services of a consultant to evaluate their business?  I think the most honest answer to the question is that most of these people already know more about aviation than the Wright Brothers/Kelly Johnson/Chuck Yeager/Berkshire Hathaway that they don’t need anyone to show them how to purchase or build their business.  However, the profit & loss statement proves otherwise, but for the most part, owners and managers of aviation and logistics businesses has a problem with acknowledging the fact that they MAY NOT BE THE BEST BUSINESS ENTREPENEURS that are out there. This doesn't mean that a consultant knows everything, but most aviation and logistics business entities are easy to identify areas that can be improved on, and if implemented, the business usually takes off. Obviously the first question is advertising, and 90% of owners don’t get it.  The second problem is the product…how many people really need/want/use the product to be sold, and has a “demand study” been addressed at anytime?  The third problem is that we don’t know how to treat customers properly, this doesn’t mean we aren’t good people trying to provide great customer service, we don’t know how to provide the value the customer expects.  And fourth, we don’t know how to sell, up-sell, or make a presentation that gets someone outside of aviation/logistics to make the decision to purchase. These points are based on what a majority of FBO’s and flight schools do, but they are well proven facts that must be addressed.


                                                  Our Rates


• Initial flat fee of $500 plus $50 per hour.


North Texas Aviation Group bills to the 10th of an hour.


• Travel expenses: Travel expenses necessary for the execution of the project, to include transportation by rail, taxi, bus, boat, rental vehicle and air travel will be at direct cost to the Client. 


• Business Coaching: $2500 per month


• Meals: Rate of reimbursement of meals will be billed at a flat rate no receipts required of $92.00 per day


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